I’d love to say the weeks leading up to Christmas Eve in the Small Town Family was magical but I can’t. We have a tween who is transitioning from the carefree days of childhood into the reality of being a teenager. Instead of wearing sweaters, looking at snow and drinking hot cocoa, I’m wearing flip flops and sipping cold drinks in 80 degree weather. I decided not to make a slew of Christmas cookies as we don’t need the extra sugar or calories around our waistlines. And, after twenty-three years of sending out Christmas cards, I didn’t send any this year. To top it off, Thursday I encountered several rude people who squashed what little Christmas spirit I had to smithereens and I wasn’t proud of my reactions to them. I started down a road of bah humbug and wanted to X out Christmas.
But, yesterday, everything turned around for me.
After dropping the Kid off at school, I planned to meet my friend for coffee but she had to cancel. Since I was showered and dressed for the day I made an impromptu decision to head towards a town I wanted to explore. As I turned on the highway towards the location, I panicked. What was I doing? Didn’t I have stuff to finish up for Christmas? What if the town was overrun with stressed out, rude shoppers? Shouldn’t I go home and write an inspirational blog post for my readers? Guilt flooded my brain.
I took a deep breath and breathed out a prayer, God, let’s have a date day – just you and me. Let’s see where You’ll take me and the people you’ll bring into my life.
As I drove towards the town and kicked off my guilt feelings, God began organizing my thoughts for this blog post. Next a very nice couple explained to me how to pay for my parking and gave me a great suggestion for breakfast. I paid the $6 for three hours of parking and set out for an adventure. I walked around the town, ate breakfast, talked with some delightful people and even squeezed in a much needed manicure and pedicure for myself. Seeing my three hour parking was about to expire, I headed to my car amazed how just three hours could make such a big impact on my mood. I no longer wanted to X out Christmas. I pulled out of my space and thanked God for refreshing my parched soul and spirit.
On my drive back towards home, I stopped at stop light and I saw an older woman on the sidewalk holding a sign saying, Do you know the baby gives you life? Smiling at her, I flashed her a thumbs up. She smiled and flashed a thumbs up back to me.
Needless to say, the poster message impacted me. Because of the baby Jesus, I can have a personal relationship with God. And, I can go on ‘date days’ with God.
There’s a verse in the Bible, in John, chapter 14, verses 6 and 7 where Jesus is talking with a group of people. He says,
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father (God), except through Me.”
You see, many people can have a relationship with God, but in order to have a personal, intimate relationship with God, you need to begin with having a relationship with Jesus. Jesus changed how people interacted with God. Jesus brought grace and mercy to people and He became the mediator between people and God. Without Jesus, God would be distant and unapproachable and there would be no ‘date days’ between Him and I. I couldn’t imagine not having a personal relationship with God. Just spending alone time with God always changes my perspective and brings life to me which no other person can do.
Are you interested in having the kind of relationship that I have with God? You can. God makes it available to any and everyone who genuinely seeks to know Jesus.
So friends, Christmas isn’t about feelings, traditions or what we expect it to be. It’s about the Person who was born and the reason for His birth. And, it’s about our relationship with God. Without Him, there would be no Christmas.
Merry Christmas my friends!
The Small Town Girl
** To get started on seeking out Jesus, check out the short video from the main menu under ‘Relationship with God?”
Hi Becky! I got chills reading your post. It was so relative to me personally. We kind of muddled through the holidays…no Christmas card, barely getting up our tree. Thank you for sharing. Thank you BSF for publishing the book of John to shepherd those seeking Jesus. Love to you friend. Miss your presence but praying God is using you to the fullest. Blessings to you❤️
Hi Kelly! So great to hear from you! I’m glad you muddled through the holidays. Here’s to a new year and new revelations!