“I know you aren’t going to move to Chicago area, but this appointment will give you great interviewing practice,” said the college placement advisor. She was right. I needed the interviewing experience. The appointment was with a longtime supporter of the school and, even though the job was in near Chicago, I agreed to go. The advisor scheduled the interview, just hours before my college graduation ceremony.
The gentleman was pleasant and quickly put my nerves to rest. We both enjoyed the conversation and, at the end, I felt confident in how I handled myself during the interview. I didn’t even care if I wasn’t offered the job. My goal was to get interview experience and my goal was met. I walked away from the interview and headed off to put on my cap and gown for graduation.
As the summer after graduation began to wind down, I started my employment search. It was August and, out of the blue, I received a letter and application packet from a little publisher known as Regular Baptist Press (RBP) located in Schaumburg, IL. I didn’t know much about them except that they published Sunday School curriculum for churches. I was dumbfounded by the letter because I had never inquired about employment with them. I filled out the application, called, and set up an interview for late August. I was also interviewing with a manufacturing company near Toledo, Ohio. In fact, I had the Ohio interview the day before I had the interview in Illinois.
My folks and I drove to IL for the interview. It was there that I discovered how RBP got my name. Remember the graduation day interview, the man I interviewed with was so impressed by me that he had handed my resume to the human resource manager at RBP with a recommendation about me. Small world!?!?
Long story short, I ended up taking the job in Ohio. My folks were NOT ready to have their very young 20 year old daughter move to IL and be so far from them. I lived at home and worked at the manufacturing company for 5 months before they declared bankruptcy. Once again, I was in search of a job.
One day during a nasty snowstorm, I received a call from RBP. The man on the other end said he needed a secretary and found my resume. Would I be willing to come to IL for an interview? WHAT!?! Another call without any solicitation from me? I thought that door had been closed but now I wondered if maybe I should take another look at the opportunity. My parents thought the same thing.
It was the beginning of February when my mom, sister, and I again drove to IL for the interview. The interview went great and I was offered a position. I told him that I would think and pray about it. We drove around lots of different areas that were recommended for possible housing, but I was still confused as to what decision to make. We headed back to Ohio with lots of questions.
After arriving back in Ohio, I sat down with my parents and we did some serious talking. Why would God essentially have someone call me to work in IL, not only one time but two times!?? Was this where God wanted me? Where would I live? What would I drive? What about a budget?
The three of us prayed together and decided that if God answered our questions and provided answers by the end of February, I should accept the position and move to IL.
Guess what? We worked up a good budget based on my salary and expenses. I found a place to live – I could rent a room from a gal who worked at Scripture Press – that was within my budget. And, my parents gave me their very used, 4-door, diesel, Volkswagen Rabbit to use.
With all three prayer requests answered, my folks and I agreed God wanted me to move to Chicago. My mom and I bought a couple of used pieces of furniture, my dad borrowed my uncle’s red farm truck, and the three of us headed to Winfield, IL. (We didn’t look exactly like the “Beverly Hillbillies” but there was a bit of resemblance as we drove the truck through Chicago and Wheaton, IL!)
It’s hard to believe that new adventure was 28 years ago! It seems like yesterday as I watched my parents drive away leaving me there alone. I had no family near me. I didn’t know anyone except my boss. It was just me and God.
As this Illinois adventure comes to a close, I heading into a new adventure – this time with Mr. Small Town and the Kid. And, if you have been reading earlier blog posts, you will see that God, once again, has been instrumental in showing us (quite plain!) that He wants us in South Florida.
The past two months have been a bittersweet time of transition for us as we close our IL adventure. We have no idea what God has in store for us in South Florida but we are going to trust Him! Just like I had no idea what God had in store for me when I said yes to move to IL. I’m so glad I said YES!
Blessings to you my friends! Prayers are always welcome and appreciated as we make the transition to our new adventure.
The Small Town Girl
p.s. I forgot to tell you! When I came to IL in 1987, I lived in the Winfield/Wheaton area and was in the publishing world. (The photo at the top is me sitting at my desk at RBP in 1987!)
28 years later, I was back in the Winfield/Wheaton area in June attending the Write To Publish conference. God’s put me back in the publishing arena. Isn’t it just like God to make such a great bookend to my Illinois adventure?!?
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