Four Emotions Derailing Your Goals by Michael Hyatt (click on words to read the article)
I L-O-V-E this article from Michael Hyatt!
In my past, FEAR derailed me from many opportunities. I didn’t realize how much fear dominated my decisions until a study of Moses and the Israelites from the Bible, the book of Exodus. Instead of listening to their leader, Moses, the Israelites made foolish decisions out of their fear of the unknown, a change, or the future. They could not see past their fears to trust God’s promises for victory, which would have provided blessings in their lives. After that study, I decided to pay attention how fear impacted my decisions.
Starting this blog was a huge journey for me! I feared about coming up with things to write about and wondered if anyone would read or follow my blog. But after spending time alone, listening to God, ideas started to flow from my mind to my fingers and on to the blog. AND, I started getting positive responses from people reading the blog! FEAR DEFEATED!
When I started sharing my journey to motherhood on the blog, I feared that I was exposing too much of myself and my family. I wondered who would be interested in my journey. However, God told me to write about it and I obeyed Him. I’m glad I pushed through my fears because I’ve only had positive responses and now the story has now developed into a book. FEAR DEFEATED!
Finally, in making the final decision to move (just 3 weeks ago!), we discovered that the only thing holding us back was fear – fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of the future. God had already provided a church, a Bible study community, an excellent school, and home that was brand new, move in condition, and within our budget. AND, we will be able to be in our home by the start of the school year! We decided to move! FEAR DEFEATED!
Now, I have fears about writing a book. I’m not an English or journalism major. I don’t have a huge blog following or big name presence – I’m just a girl from a small town who writes a blog about what God is teaching her. Will anyone read the book? What will readers think of me once they know my story? Once again, FEAR rears its ugly head!!
I know that FEAR will probably always be part of who I am. However, instead of letting fear grab and choke me, I’ll purposely pay attention to it. It’s my healthy FEAR that reminds me to go to God’s promises in the Bible. With those promises, I can defeat my fear!
Here’s one of my favorite promises from God. Feel free to use it anytime fear rears its ugly head … it’s a good one!
“Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help; I’m fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me?”
(The Message, book of Hebrews, chapter 13, verse 5)
Blessings to you today my friends,
The Small Town Girl
Many blessings to you and your family on your new adventure! My husband and I wish you guys every blessing as you take on this new season of your lives.
Thanks Jill! We are excited about this new adventure and chapter in our lives!